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  • Writer's pictureAlaris

Brokers or Direct Buyers: What's the Difference?

Updated: Mar 9

Two brokers sitting in front of a computer screen.

So you’ve looked into the idea of selling your unwanted life insurance policy, your next step is making sure you get the MOST you can for your policy. Here's where using a broker makes a difference.

Think of it as if selling any other item or asset, when you go directly to a buyer, the buyer will always try to get it at the lowest price possible. Now imagine offering that product to multiple buyers who would be interested in your product.

The result will always be the seller getting much more. That’s where a broker comes in. Once we get an application started , we seek out bids from multiple licensed buyers, thus resulting in significant higher offer than what our customers see when going directly to a buyer.

The difference is: WE WORK FOR YOU!

Yes brokers take a fee. However, case study after study has shown that even after paying a fee, when using a life settlement broker, policy holders walk away with more cash for their policy, and that's the Alaris goal.

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